Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Guided Math

A new and exciting part of our classroom is taking off - Guided Math Lessons!!  Instead of teaching the students in a whole group session, students will learn in small groups with others.  At the beginning of each quarter, I will pre-assess each student on that quarter's upcoming math concepts.  Each week, I will have 4 groups working on some of the quarter's math concepts.  These rotations will be game-like, student led activities that build on the quarter's math concepts but are academically appropriate for all students in the class.  There will also be one teacher-led group each day that will focus on one specific concept (i.e. 2-D shapes) at each group's academic skill level.  Math will take place 4 days a week, with each group doing all 3 math rotations (1 per day) plus one small group math lesson that is teacher led.  This will allow me to differentiate the math concepts to fit each child's needs.  The following week, the teacher-led math lessons will be put at our class' math workstations for the students to get additional practice.

AM (red) Friends

PM (blue) Friends

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