Monday, October 27, 2014


Halloween is just around the corner, and the students are so excited about the Fall season.  Of course, pumpkins are everywhere, and I have heard story after story about the students' experiences at pumpkin farms and festivals.  Their experiences outside of school has set the backdrop for school lessons about pumpkins in the classroom.  So, the students have been learning about pumpkins, the sequential steps from a seed to a pumpkin (life cycle), different types of pumpkins, and, on Friday, students become scientist ready to explore the outside and inside of a pumpkin - so much fun!  Check out the pictures below from Friday's Pumpkin Exploration.

AM (red) Friends

PM (blue) Friends

Also, a huge thanks to the parents that sent in items for this event to be successful, and the parents that took time out of their day to get a little messy with us!  Thanks so much!

Monday, October 20, 2014

We're in full swing!!!

It's hard to believe we are almost at the end of 1st quarter - where has the time gone???  The students have been working so hard this school year to learn the classroom routines.  Now that we're settled in, all "normal" procedures are in full-swing.  Students have begun guided reading groups and are also busy writing their first stories.  Check out the pictures below.

Guided Reading

Writer's Workshop

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

How Full Is Your Bucket??

Each month we have Mrs. Fox, our school counselor, visit our class and instruct the students on character education.  This month, Mrs. Fox read the story How Full is Your Bucket?  The students talked with Mrs. Fox about what makes a bucket filler and a bucket dipper and then participated in an activity together.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Students spent part of their Friday discussing apples, where they come from, how they grow, and how they are alike and different.  Students counted how many apples we had brought to class, and they compared the number of red, yellow, and green apples we had.  Then, students were able to taste test red, green, and yellow apples and determine their favorite!  After our taste test, we walked down to the back hallway and painted our favorite colored apple on our class apple tree.  Back in the class, students made observations about the apple they brought to school and recorded their findings.  Take a look at our fun below!

AM (red) Friends

PM (blue) Friends