Sunday, February 8, 2015

We are 100 Days Smarter....and some of us look 100 too!

We participated in a lot of fun activities to commemorate our 100th Day of school!  These kids were some good looking 100 year olds!  Check out the pics below!

AM (red) Friends

PM (blue) Friends

"I want a...."

These last few weeks students have been learning how to write persuasive stories.  The title of their stories all started with "I want a.....", and students had to think of a pet they wanted to persuade their parents to buy.  

My most favorite day of Writer's Workshop is always our sharing celebration day.  Students are paired up to read their stories to each other.  It is amazing to watch them share and read their stories - they have come so far!

AM (red) Friends

PM (blue) Friends

3D Shapes Exploration

Students were given marshmallows and pretzels to try to recreate 3D shapes.  The task was not easy, but it was fun...and tasted good too!  

AM (red) Friends

PM (blue) Friends